my first post..xtau nk ckp sal apa..nk cter sal dri sndri mcm common..nk cter sal orang, mcm x layak je..cter je la psal dri name....(no need to mention full name kn).so juz call me madi..actually, i have many name..1 skolah 1 nama..skolah rendah kwn2 pnggil intan..nma kampung lh 2 kmpung suma pnggil intan.dh besar ckit..form 1 pnggil KM(K****** M******)..dh form 3..abeh je PMR rsa cm nk tukar skolah..well,i love to explore..form 4 plak g skola teknik kt penang SMTSPPP..kt sna org pnggil keon lak(kay-own)..dh abes skola..smbung blaja lg..bukan x puas blaja..mlas nk dok umah ngn pk msa smbungla kt unikl micet ni...kt cni la org pnggil madi...!bru cter sal nma 2..aku stay kt kedah sekrg..lahir kt perak..penah dok penang,melaka,tengganu..tah mn lg.biase la...bapak aku mang aktif bekeja dlu...he.ha.......nk try ltak pict ney...aku ltak la gmbr aku dr muda2 dlu...kira flow dr dlu smpai skrg lh... gmbr waktu skola...sumpah meluat tgok gmbr ni...mcm hape lg....
ni the current me lh...times running out and people do change...dh besar dh aku...dlu kecik je..umo pn dh 20(not really..x smpai lg bday)...
i hav lot of of that is flowers...
and beach...( calm)
hmm...nk g pantai!!!dah kebas dh kaki ni...ckup lh utk first post ney.....len kali pos lg....tata.